As women age, hormone levels vary significantly causing an array of unwanted, but
treatable, discomforts. Often traditional medications may not give desired effects
or may have undesirable side effects. What better way to balance your hormones than
naturally? Bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT) uses hormones that have the
exact same chemical structure as those found in the body. The body recognizes them
and allows them to mimic the function of the hormones the body produces on its own.
Hormones commonly used to restore natural balance include progesterone, oestrogens,
testosterone, DHEA, thyroid, and more…
We have products available to aid the following:
- Menopause
- Pre menstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Moodiness
- Hot flushes
- Infertility
- Post-partum depression
- Weight gain
- Endometriosis
- Vaginal dryness
- Low libido (sex desire)
- Sleep disturbances
- Night sweats
Other products include:
- Natural sleeping products
- Vitamin D3 deficiency
- Hair loss (Alopecia)
- Acne
- Pigmentation abnormalities
- Headache/Migraines
- Travel sickness